Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing

Entrepreneurs, the Pillars For Rebuilding Our Economy: Unpacking Our Interview with Jerry Bowyer

Episode Summary

In this episode, we review the lessons we learned from our time with author and Forbes contributor, Jerry Bowyer.

Episode Notes

There was so much to unpack in this episode - our time with Jerry was mind blowing and inspiring!  We hope that this short list of points will spark you to learn and investigate the principles in his book  - principles that can surely charge your investing future for success.


  1. In the marketplace we are used to discussing the role of buyer, seller and speculator.  Unfortunately, we cannot in all honesty speak of them in the first person.  Jerry outlines the characteristics of the Galilean in that time and culture which we would use to reinforce the idea of becoming a "producer" (and not remaining an abdicator of your financial future)
  2. We asked Jerry what  "shift" needs to happen with our mindsets and understanding.  He describes Jesus as one of a "mediatorial" class - someone who can speak to the banker/aristocrat class as well as the blue collar class of folks.  He is our example to be able to speak both languages and be able to perform in both environments.  As Jerry describes, He was not only God but also fully man, but not just any man - a highly sophisticated and educated blue collar leader.
  3. Understand the idea of Currency Centralization or Decentralization and understand the different example of that in US history and world history.
  4. Entrepreneurism is about loving people!  Why?  Because they are willing to takes risk to love their families, communities and folks who rely on them.  In Jerry's words, they are the "load bearing structures in their world".
  5. Theism and capitalism have massive ties as does socialism and atheism.  It is good to palate the reminder that God wants us to create and pass on value.


Jerry Bowyer is a Forbes contributor, contributing editor of, and Senior Fellow in Business Economics at The Center for Cultural Leadership. Jerry has compiled an impressive record as a leading thinker in finance and economics. He worked as an auditor and a tax consultant with Arthur Anderson, as Vice President of the Beechwood Company which is the family office associated with Federated Investors, and has consulted in various privatization efforts for Allegheny County, Pa.

He founded the influential economic think tank, the Allegheny Institute, and has lectured extensively at universities, businesses and civic groups. Jerry has been a member of three investment committees, among which is Benchmark Financial, Pittsburgh’s largest financial services firm. Jerry had been a regular commentator on Fox Business News and Fox News. He was formerly a CNBC Contributor, has guest-hosted The Kudlow Report, and has written for, National Review Online and The Wall Street Journal, as well as many other publications. He is the author of The Bush Boom and more recently The Free Market Capitalist’s Survival Guide, published by HarperCollins.

Jerry Bowyer Contact info:

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Resources and Mentions:

The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said about Social Justice and Economics

The Free Market Capitalists Survival Guide