Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing

Investor Mindset- Value #1: Treat information amorally

Episode Summary

Investors have a different mindset, a different way of viewing the world, from those who are not. How do we define this mindset? PW Gopal has spent more than 10 years reading, researching, and talking to investors to learn about how they constructed their paradigm. As a result of those years of research he uncovered 10 values that form the mindset of an investor and frame a lifestyle of investment. Today we start by discussing the first value: Treat information amorally.

Episode Notes

Key Points:

treat information without morality - it helps to recover valuable information to help us understand the landscape in which we invest and trade.


money is only one measure of wealth


wealth is not just for us but it allows us to create and generate productivity and progress. (Genesis reference - be fruitful and multiply)


Wealth helps us to impact the culture and people around us = human flourishing


Fiat currency - "let it be so"   - our government instituted a fiat currency system by calling our IOU currency notes, valuable.

"Creature from Jekyll Island" - G. Edward Griffin.  Great book outlining the beginning of the Federal Reserve Act and our banking system.


20,000 Gold:  US Debt Collapse - Youtube video by Mike Maloney



THE 5 NARRATIVES - here we will be discussing the 5 complex meta narratives that play into our role as investors and creators.

Global Economics

US Finance


Civil Rights
