Blue Collar Money: Theories of Middle Class Investing

Unpacking Our Time with Ryland and Katie Weber

Episode Summary

In this episode we unpack our conversation with Ryland and Katie Weber, proprietors of Convive Coffee Roastery in Pittsburgh, PA. Their values have led them to go all in on their coffee roastery and invest in the people in their community. Our time with them was a great reminder of the powerful lesson of Values Based Enterprise.

Episode Notes

Values Based Enterprise is business and investment based on a set of values driving action points - moving your individual, family or team towards growth and profit and best of all... creating value for others.

Follow these simple steps and let us know if you need help or clarification:

  1. Write your Values  and test your values - email us for a pdf worksheet on Values.
  2. Pick a Lane - We normally pick lanes of investment from narratives that are handed to us.  Remember that there is more than one market - the American middle class narrative of earn, save and invest in mutual funds and IRA's is a dead or dying narrative but it's still being sold and bought.  Looking at other lanes may be ridiculed by your friends and family but stay the course and do your homework.

Values + Gifting + Wealth of Knowledge + Cash Flow (Potential) =  Lane of Investment

  1. Test Your Knowledge - Exercise some Humility and be willing to be wrong about your assessment of the market or markets.
  2. Dialogue and Learn from Key Leaders to help shape what arena you may play best in.
  3. Stage  - get your vendors in place, do your homework and get your numbers on paper and get them right.  Get your cash flow numbers right!!!   Don't be wrong about the numbers.
  4. Execute small - aim small, miss small.  Don't go too big, too soon.  Take small measured steps in your market to see if how the market plays is something you can understand and work with.
  5. Build in Seasons - be willing to let things be ugly in the beginning stages but set goals and make sure to put them on a timeline.  If you are in the same cash flow position 6 months after your start or a year after your start, you need to look at your plan and your execution strategy.
  6. Echo Chamber - some echo chambers are good.  It takes time to learn the language of investment and even the specifics of your lane so you need a good community of people who share your language and cheer you on.  And don't be afraid to get rid of negative relationships as those voices may confuse the narrative for you as you grow.


Resources and Mentions:

Black Sheep - Brant Menswar

Enneagram -

Strengthfinders -

Culture Index -

Meyers-Briggs -